How Long Do Foundation Repairs Last?
Are you planning to get foundation repairs in your home?
When your home foundation needs repairs, there’s no point in postponing them. Ignoring the need for foundation fixes leads to increasing repair costs down the line.
Since foundation repairs may demand a considerable expense, many homeowners wonder how long the results last. You don’t want to discover that you need new fixes in a short while.
In this article, we’ll give an in-depth overview that covers foundation repair longevity issues in concrete slab foundations.
You’ll learn about the major factors that dictate the longevity of your foundation repairs. Additionally, you’ll get some general background information about foundation repairs.
The Starting Point: How Long Do Foundation Repairs Last?
The worry-free period after foundation repairs depends on what particular type of repairs your foundation has undergone and the method in which they were performed.
Small Cracks & Hairline Cracks
This type of foundation damage tends to be a minor issue. Still, you should get professional intervention. Sometimes, seemingly small signs are connected to more serious problems.
Usually, smaller cracks are repaired using tape and bedding. High-quality tape and bedding should last for the life of a house.
Bowing or Buckling Walls
In this case, the underlying problems and repairs are more serious. Whenever you have a bowing wall in your home, you have to act immediately and get it repaired at the earliest opportunity. Minor bowing calls for carbon fiber straps.
However, more extensive bowing usually requires helical tiebacks or wall anchors. When done the right way, bowing wall repairs are better than the original wall installation.
Settling Foundation
Piers are used for combating a settling foundation. Keep in mind that we at Granite Foundation Repair offer a lifetime transferable warranty for all deep-driven piers. We are confident in our work quality, as our dedicated team has acquired extensive experience in repair works over the years.
Foundation Repair Permanence Factors
Weather conditions greatly affect the permanence of your foundation repair. Living in an area with frequent storms or temperature extremes is going to affect how long the repairs hold up.
The type of soil and underground water tables are crucial factors as well. Even though the workmanship may be of the highest quality, certain types of soil pose important risk factors for foundation settlement and soil shifts.
Invasive landscaping can cause sudden issues after repairs that were otherwise carried out under high standards. For instance, tree roots are common culprits. Invasive roots may lead to formidable foundation damages. Ask Granite Foundation Repair about root barrier installation.
The qualities of your home can predict the permanence of your foundation repairs. For instance, water drainage systems, the weight of your house, plumbing issues, and construction peculiarities contribute to how the foundation fixes withstand the test of time.
Why You Should Quickly Fix Your Foundation
Foundation repairs may be daunting at first. Sometimes, as a homeowner, it’s hard to tell whether you need minor repairs or something more extensive. You may think that the easiest way to deal with these questions is to postpone the repairs indefinitely.
However, doing this will inevitably create long-term problems. The foundation issues don’t fix themselves. As things get more serious, you are more than likely to face costlier repairs in the long run.
Here are some of the major consequences of ignoring foundation issues:
Excess Moisture
Cracks in your foundation’s concrete structure let moisture enter your home. As a result, the concrete starts getting weaker over time. The worst part is the excess moisture that finds its way inside your home. Your property’s humidity levels will rise as more time passes.
Mold & Mildew
All of that excess moisture can create the right conditions for mold and mildew development in your home. Mold growth is a serious health concern. Some strains of mold can cause a variety of symptoms in susceptible individuals. If you suspect a mold infestation in your home, contact a reputable mold remediation expert.
Failing Structural Support
A foundation is supposed to carry the weight of your home. But when you have a damaged foundation, the structure starts losing its integrity and ability to support the house’s weight. Sinking, settling, and shifting are all normal consequences of these developments.
More Repairs
As your foundation isn’t what it used to be anymore, the associated problems cause higher repair bills. You may need to fix sticky doors and windows, damaged roofs, cracked pipes, buckled floors, and many other potential issues. As more time passes, the risk of accompanying problems skyrockets.
What Creates Foundation Problems in the First Place?
Foundation damage has numerous possible underlying causes. The two most typical contributing factors are soil evaporation and inadequate drainage. Both processes significantly increase the risk of repair needs.
Soil evaporation creates shrinkage in the material supporting your home. As the soil shrinks, it stops providing the necessary support for your house. The foundation shifts and cracks, resulting in visible damage.
Excess moisture can slowly affect the integrity of your foundation. The concrete could start forming cracks and chips. When you already have sizeable cracks in your foundations, more moisture is able to enter your home.
In a Nutshell: How Long Do Foundation Repairs Last
The permanence of your foundation repair depends on a multitude of factors. The type and quality of the conducted repairs are some of the biggest variables. 100% steel piers go deep into rock like a hot knife into butter.
Composite steel piers—which are part steel, part concrete—are limited in the depths they can reach. Pressed concrete piers, when improperly installed, can be driven as shallow as three feet.
On the other hand, properly installed concrete pilings can be pushed to a depth of twelve to twenty-five feet. Ask Granite Foundation Repair about the difference between the proper and improper methods of concrete piling.
Proper foundation repair will last the life of your property. However, it doesn’t prevent other areas of the foundation from moving. Foundation repair will not prevent upheaval due to cracked pipes or excessive watering by neighbors, for example.
Drilled piers—which are 10-16 foot deep holes filled with concrete—may still sink. It all depends on the soil composition and consolidation at the bottom of the hole.
Unique conditions surrounding your home’s foundation are always at play. Shifting soils, less than ideal construction standards, and invasive landscaping can reduce the time your foundation repairs hold up.
In any case, foundation problems should be addressed at the earliest opportunity by a professional foundation repair company. There is no point in postponing the repairs. Minor problems can easily turn into something much more expensive in terms of repair budget and complexity.
If you’d like a free foundation inspection, reach out to the team at Granite Foundation Repair today.
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