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Best Foundation Repair Method Steel Piers

Straight steel pier underpinning driven to rock for best foundation repair method.

Steel piers have consistently been shown to be the best foundation repair method in Dallas, Ft. Worth and the Metroplex area of Texas.

Granite Foundation Repair has had consistently excellent repair results using steel piers.  Steel piers provide superior results because of prevalent clay soils in North Texas.  Clay resists the installation of pressed concrete, or hybrid steel and concrete pressed piers.

Six reasons why steel piers are the best foundation repair method:

  1. Steel piers are consistently driven to rock or shale.
  2. While concrete piers may stop after 5-15 feet, dependent upon soil moisture, steel piers penetrate thick Texas clay soils. Driven  all the way to rock.
  3. Installation of steel piers requires a 75% smaller access hole than concrete piers.
  4. Minimally invasive installation protects landscape.
  5. Installation depth is not dependent upon operator technique.  Steel piers go through Dallas Ft Worth soils like a hot knife through butter.
  6. Recommended by top professional registered foundation engineers.

We have all been bombarded with advertisements for foundation repair that lasts forever.   As owners of the Granite Foundation Repair, we didn’t want marketing hype.

When it came to repairing our own house, we chose steel piers.  Let’s face it, we could have chosen any method that we wanted.  We wanted the best because we didn’t want future cracks in brick or walls.  We knew from our own experience what was the best foundation repair method for a concrete slab foundation.

As owners, we wanted to draw upon our knowledge and fortunately, we weren’t limited by what was available to us.  Granite Foundation Repair is one of the few companies in North Texas that installs every repair method.   Quite simply, we knew that we couldn’t go wrong with our choice of steel piers.

Almost 10 years later, our choice of steel piers has been proven to be solid and that is why it is the best foundation repair method for Dallas and the surrounding areas.


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